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 싱가포르 온라인 베팅 - 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트


个人简介 科研项目 学术论文 其他介绍






2017.10-至今,“齐鲁青年学者”特聘教授,bet365 코리아,生命科学学院,bet365 코리아



山东微生物学会科普工作委员会 委员

青岛市科普专家库 成员

青岛市海信科学中心 科普专家团成员

bet365 코리아 科普团成员

Frontiers in Chemical Biology 期刊 评审编辑

Engineering Microbiology 杂志 青年编委












2017.10-2022.10,bet365 코리아齐鲁青年学者启动经费,主持



1. Huimei Wang, Yu Han, Xiaotong Wang, Yujia Jia, Youming Zhang, Rolf Müller, and Liujie Huo*, Genome Mining of Myxopeptins Reveals a Class of Lanthipeptide-Derived Linear Dehydroamino Acid-Containing Peptides from Myxococcus sp. MCy9171, ACS Chemical Biology, Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.3c00265

2. Xiaotong Wang#, Xiaoyu Chen#, Zong-jie Wang, Mengwei Zhuang, Lin Zhong, Chengzhang Fu, Ronald Garcia, Rolf Müller, Youming Zhang, Jie Yan,* Dalei Wu*, and Liujie Huo*, Discovery and Characterization of a Myxobacterial Lanthipeptide with Unique Biosynthetic Features and Anti-inflammatory Activity, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023 Aug 2;145(30):16924-16937.

3. Xiaotong Wang, Zongjie Wang, Zhiqi Dong, Yihai Yan, Youming Zhang, and Liujie Huo*, Deciphering the Biosynthesis of Novel Class I Lanthipeptides from Marine Pseudoalteromonas Reveals a Dehydratase PsfB with Dethiolation Activity, ACS Chemical Biology, 2023 18 (5), 1218-1227

4. Zhong, G.; Wang, Z-J.; Yan, F.; Zhang, Y.;Huo L.*, Recent Advances in Discovery, Bioengineering, and Bioactivity-Evaluation of Ribosomally Synthesized and Post-translationally Modified Peptides,ACS Bio & Med Chem Au,2023 3 (1), 1-31.

入选ACS Editors’ Choices:

5. Wang H.; Pang A.; Li B.;Huo L.; Wu F.; Lin F.*,Intracellular gar Transporters Facilitate Cellulase Synthesis in Trichoderma reesei Using Lactose,Biomolecules,2023, 13(2), 295.


1.Fan, G.; Han, Y.; Zhang, Y.;Huo, L.*, Structure and activity relationships of the two-component lantibiotic bicereucin.ACS Infectious Diseases,2022 8 (12), 2529-2539.

2.Wang, T.#; Wang, X.#; Zhao, H.;Huo, L.*; Fu, C.*, Uncovering a subtype of microviridins via the biosynthesis study of FR901451,ACS Chemical Biology,2022 17 (12), 3489-3498.

3.Wang, X.; Song, C.; Qi, Q.; Zhang, Y.*; Li, R.*;Huo, L.*, Biochemical characterization of a polyethylene terephthalate hydrolase and design of high-throughput screening for its directed evolution.Engineering Microbiology2022, 2 (100020), DOI:

4.Han, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.;Huo, L.*, Discovery and Characterization of Marinsedin, a New Class II Lanthipeptide Derived from Marine Bacterium Marinicella sediminis F2T.ACS Chemical Biology2022, 17(4):785-790. DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.2c00021.

5.Shen, Q.; Zhou, H.; Dai, G.; Zhong, G.;Huo, L.; Li, A.; Liu, Y.; Yang, M.; Ravichandran, V.; Zheng, Z., Tang J.; Jiao N.; Zhang Y.; Bian X.*, Characterization of a Cryptic NRPS Gene Cluster in Bacillus velezensis FZB42 Reveals a Discrete Oxidase Involved in Methimazole Biosynthesis.ACS Catalysis2022, 3371-3381. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c05131

6.Pang L.; Niu W.; Duan Y.;Huo L.; Li A.; Wu J.; Zhang Y.; Bian X.*; Zhong G.*, In vitro characterization of a nitro-forming oxygenase involved in 3-(trans-2’-aminocyclopropyl) alanine biosynthesis.Engineering Microbiology2022, 2 (100007). DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.engmic.2021.100007


1.Wang, Z. J.; Zhou, H.; Zhong, G.;Huo, L.; Tang, Y. J.; Zhang, Y.*; Bian, X.*, Genome Mining and Biosynthesis of Primary Amine-Acylated Desferrioxamines in a Marine Gliding Bacterium.Organic Letters2020, 22 (3), 939-943.DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.9b04490

2.Huo, L.; Zhao, X.; Acedo, J. Z.; Estrada, P.; Nair, S. K.; van der Donk, W. A.*, Characterization of a Dehydratase and Methyltransferase in the Biosynthesis of Ribosomally Synthesized and Post-translationally Modified Peptides in Lachnospiraceae.ChemBioChem2020, 21 (1-2), 190-199. DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201900483


1.Huo, L.; Hug, J. J.; Fu, C.; Bian, X.*; Zhang, Y.*; Müller, R.*, Heterologous expression of bacterial natural product biosynthetic pathways.Natural Product Reports2019, 36 (10), 1412-1436.DOI: 10.1039/c8np00091c

2.Chen, H.; Bian, Z.; Ravichandran, V.; Li, R.; Sun, Y.;Huo, L.; Fu, J.; Bian, X.; Xia, L.; Tu, Q., et al., Biosynthesis of polyketides by trans-AT polyketide synthases in Burkholderiales.Critical Reviews in Microbiology2019, 45 (2), 162-181. DOI: 10.1080/1040841X.2018.1514365

3.Bobeica, S. C.#; Dong, S. H.#;Huo, L.; Mazo, N.; McLaughlin, M. I.; Jimenez-Oses, G.; Nair, S. K.*; van der Donk, W. A.*, Insights into AMS/PCAT transporters from biochemical and structural characterization of a double Glycine motif protease.eLife2019, 8. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.42305


1.Wang, X.; Zhou, H.; Chen, H.; Jing, X.; Zheng, W.; Li, R.; Sun, T.; Liu, J.; Fu, J.;Huo, L., et al., Discovery of recombinases enables genome mining of cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters in Burkholderiales species.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America2018, 115 (18), E4255-E4263. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1720941115


1.Huo, L.; Ökesli, A.; Zhao, M.; van der Donk, W. A.*, Insights into the Biosynthesis of Duramycin.Applied and Environmental Microbiology2017, 83 (3).DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02698-16

2.Gemperlein, K.; Hoffmann, M.;Huo, L.; Pilak, P.; Petzke, L.; Müller, R.; Wenzel, S. C.*, Synthetic biology approaches to establish a heterologous production system for coronatines.Metabolic Engineering2017, 44, 213-222.DOI: 10.1016/j.ymben.2017.09.009


1.Mukherjee, S.;Huo, L.; Thibodeaux, G. N.; van der Donk, W. A.*, Synthesis and Bioactivity of Diastereomers of the Virulence Lanthipeptide Cytolysin.Organic Letters2016, 18 (23), 6188-6191.DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.6b03246

2.Mann, G.#;Huo, L.#; Adam, S.; Nardone, B.; Vendome, J.; Westwood, N. J.; Müller, R.; Koehnke, J.*, Structure and Substrate Recognition of the Bottromycin Maturation Enzyme BotP.ChemBioChem2016, 17 (23), 2286-2292.DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201600406

3.Huo, L.; van der Donk, W. A.*, Discovery and Characterization of Bicereucin, an Unusual D-Amino Acid-Containing Mixed Two-Component Lantibiotic.Journal of the American Chemical Society2016, 138 (16), 5254-7. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b02513


1.Huo, L.; Rachid, S.; Stadler, M.; Wenzel, S. C.*; Müller, R.*, Synthetic biotechnology to study and engineer ribosomal bottromycin biosynthesis.Chemistry & Biology(Cell Chemical Biology)2012, 19 (10), 1278-87.DOI: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2012.08.013

2.Barbie, P.;Huo, L.; Müller, R.; Kazmaier, U., Stereoselective synthesis of deuterium-labeled (2S)-cyclohexenyl alanines, biosynthetic intermediates of cinnabaramide.Organic Letters2012, 14 (23), 6064-7. DOI: 10.1021/ol3029548


1.Rachid, S.;Huo, L.; Herrmann, J.; Stadler, M.; Köpcke, B.; Bitzer, J.; Müller, R.*, Mining the cinnabaramide biosynthetic pathway to generate novel proteasome inhibitors.ChemBioChem2011, 12 (6), 922-31.DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201100024

2.Quade, N.#;Huo, L.#; Rachid, S.; Heinz, D. W.*; Müller, R.*, Unusual carbon fixation gives rise to diverse polyketide extender units. Nature Chemical Biology 2011, 8 (1), 117-24.DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.734





4.2012德国微生物协会(VAAM)年会最佳大会报告, Lecture Award.

5.2013欧洲微生物学会会议奖学金,Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) Meeting Attendance Grant.